Kappa Delta Chi Sorority Inc.
Our national philanthropy is the American Cancer Society so every spring we participate in Relay For Life. Sisters from other chapters love to come to our chapter and have on site fundraisers with us.

To the right are two sisters raising money to try and help alleviate the situation of water scarcity in Flint Michigan.
Above are the Upsilon and Alpha Xi chapters volunteering at a haunted house

The top photo is from an event we had with International office of Students Scholars and Services and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. called Around The World at SMU which promoted cultural and international awareness
The bottom photo is from the first ever male scholarship pageant called Mr. Maroon. The Upsilon sisters are pictured here with winner Aabid Shivji.

We strive for a unified, culturally competent, and equitable campus.
The sisters of Kappa Delta Chi at SMU are involved in their campus and local community
Service is at the heart of who we are as an organization